Since I started working on that chain mail, me and a colleague started talking about how nice it would be to have a place where to go and practice these things, such as a small village, or a shed somewhere, with a forge, an anvil or two and things like this... usually what you could find around a medieval blacksmith's workshop.
And since we were thinking of something like a little village, or better an island, or even a small castle, I came up with the idea to have our own coat of arms, after a little study, and seeing some others for inspiration...I started working on one, and now it's done, and soon it will probably be on our sleeve.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Hehe, Coat of Arms
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Labels: Graphics
Sunday, October 7, 2007
The Joy of Crafting - Part 2
I am returning with news about crafting, this time the theme is medieval, I'm working on a chain mail bracelet. It's not too big, not too spectacular, and it's the very first I am making, but I have bigger plans, I'll return with news as soon as I have it done, hopefully it will be soon(that is if i get some more materials tomorrow).
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Labels: Crafting
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Marketing techniques, comercial, or really bad taste
I wanted to write about this for several months, but I've been really busy lately and I didn't get the chance to post any more.
Have you noticed (mostly readers who live in Romania), that lately fashion has a very negative impact over good taste? Nowadays people aren't buying a good T-Shirt just because it has a good material, or it's warm and cozy, no, people buy the T-Shirt because it has a HUGE, golden "PUMA" logo on it... I mean really are we buying the brand or the T-Shirt...well...judging by the prices we are certainly buying the brand, but people are just looking at the brand, if it has a big Puma, Nike, or other famous brand shining, glittering on the chest it's a keeper.
Excuse me if I'm wrong, but every time I go out on the street i see countless persons wearing the same type of shirts with big shiny logos, where is fashion and good taste going to?
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Labels: In my opinion